Were ready to go!
Were ready to go! I have a secret....I have Poly-articular Posy-articular Juvenile Idiopathic (formerly Rheumatoid) Arthritis. For the longest time I didn't want anyone to know because it made me different. People didn't understand, and they were either rude or pitying me about it. But as I have grown up and dealt with it better, I have realized that I shouldn't be ashamed of it. I need to embrace it and try to help educate others about it. Whatever you do, don't pity me. When you look at me, remember: I've seen better days, but I've also seen worse. I don't have all that I want, but I have all that I need. I woke up with many aches and pains, but at least I woke up. My life may not be perfect, but I am blessed.

I keep a positive attitude. I seem relatively normal. But I'm not. However, I refuse to let it get me down. I wouldn't change a single day in my life so I would be able to live without Arthritis. It may have been a problem, but it has made me who I am. I wouldn't change a thing.
I want to help people. I am constantly volunteering at whatever charity I am needed at, and I want to devote my whole life to it. I want to go to college. I want to open an art studio, both performing and visual, for children with all types of disabilities. Because I want to help people who need it. I have been blessed with an amazing support system, and I hope to one day be a part of one for others.

I hate how nobody talks about how exhausting it is to be in pain. One would think that it is pretty obvious. Being in pain takes a ton of energy. Muscles tense and cramp, nerves spend all day sending signals around your body making you feel like you were hit by a bus. You're constantly measuring your breath and movements, taking extra care to not make the pain worse, which also takes a lot of concentration. The involuntary twitches when the pain spikes, trying to hold a certain posture as to not aggravate your body.... all the little movements add up.

Now try this, flex your arm as hard as you can and hold it like that for an entire day without relaxing it even once. Do you honestly think it won't make you tired? Now imagine being like that every single day of your life. Can you honestly still tell me that I can't be tired because "All pain does is hurt", really? I didn't think so.

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